Health Benefits of Indian Food

Every year, people create different diets and food programs to slim down. While a few of them can work for a while, most of them leave you feeling hungry or weak because of the missing nutrients. At the end of the day, once they stop the crash diet it is quite easy to get back all those pounds and even more. Diets are not only bad for your body, but they can be dreadful as well for your mental health. The best thing you can do to be healthy is to eat healthy food. If you want to stay healthy while eating wholesome and tasty, Indian food is highly suggested. Due to their different spices and cooking approaches, Indian food is rich in flavors and soothing smells and it is also thought about among the world’s healthiest cuisines.

Among the standard methods to make Indian food is the slow cooking method. When you slow cook your meals, it helps the flavor of the spices spread throughout the entire meal, making it tasty and aromatic but it also lets all the properties of the spices come thru while keeping the dietary value of each ingredient. Compared to western cuisine, Indian food include way less hydrogenated fats since they are mostly cooked with sesame oil instead of butter or canola. Here in Shalimar, we use traditional cooking methods to make sure our food is as healthy as it can be!

Indian food is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, healthy oils, and spices that are rich in antioxidants and help in reducing cholesterol levels, reducing swelling, and lowering high blood pressure! This can reduce the danger of heart-related conditions. They love using fresh ingredients and no preservatives.

In America, it is very typical for people to eat bread or other foods made with refined flour while in India, they use Atta flour to make flatbreads such as Chapati, Roti, Naan, Paratha, and Puri. They are easier to digest, offering you more usable energy after eating it compared with western bread.

Another incredibly wholesome food in India is Dahi. This is a really vital part of the Indian diet. They eat it with hot Parathas, they make sweet Lassi, Chaas and it is also consumed as Riata and Dahi Wada. This creamy curd is considered one of the healthiest food in the world! It has lots of phosphorus and calcium that assists your teeth and bones remain strong and contributes to arthritis prevention. It also improves food digestion, assists drop weight, removes dandruff, and assists control blood sugar levels! People also use this curd on their faces to have gorgeous skin! If you want to attempt this beauty treatment, all you have to do is mix some Dahi with lime and gram flour, apply it on your face, let it rest for a few minutes, and clean it off!

These are just a few health benefits that Indian food offers and lucky for us, it is also delicious!


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